
The Lost & Found

Week 1

Text: Luke 15:1-31

Topic: Love, Grace

Main Idea: After hearing the religious leaders grumble about His attitude toward sinners, Jesus tells three parables that illustrate God’s extravagant love for the lost. This text teaches us that it doesn’t matter what we’ve done or how undeserving we feel; God is actively pursuing us to come back to Him.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message?
  2. How did Jesus’ attitude differ from the religious leaders’?
  3. What characteristics of God’s heart are being revealed here?
  4. Have you ever experienced God’s pursuing you? How did He do it?
  5. How did you go from being “lost” to being “found”? In other words, how did you become a Christian?