Message Archive

great commission



It doesn’t matter WHAT we do, WHEN, we do it, or even HOW we do it if we don’t know WHY.

This week, Pastor Tito focused in the Great Commission and the Great Commandment of the local church and how they both are playing out here at TGC.

Our Mission:  We exist to raise, restore, and release others into a new life in Jesus Christ because human souls are the most valuable commodity in God’s economy.



Week 4

It’s time to rethink the mission of the local church. It’s more than attending a service. It’s more than giving in the offering. It’s about connecting with a community to pursue a common goal—Jesus. The church, as a whole, is meant to care for each other, grow together, and reach the world together. This four-week series highlights the important responsibility each believer has to their local congregation.

This week Pastor Tito wraps up the series by focusing on the mission of the Church when it comes to outsiders. .

Not enough time to catch up or want a quick review?  Read the Sermon Summary HERE