Message Archive




Week 2:  How to be a walking WIFI receptor of God’s presence

This five-week series addresses what God did for the Jewish people throughout the events recorded in the book of Ezra. Through failure, forgetting what is important, and sin, we may become exiles attempting to return to God. However, just as in the book of Ezra God reclaimed his people according to his promises, he also reclaims and redeems our lives for his purpose in this world.

Read the sermon summary below. (more…)



Week 2

Jesus tells us the greatest commandment is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. In this 5-week series, Pastor Tito will explore what it means to follow through on being a follower of Jesus Christ, looking at how our relationship with God should affect each of these aspects of our life.  When it comes to being a Christian, believing is just the beginning.  There is more to it than just praying a prayer and attending a weekly service.

This week we learn what it means to love the Lord with all of your HEART

Read the Sermon Summary below



Table Flipping Worship

Week 4


Worship is not we do.  It is who we are.  It is what we were born and created to be.  We were made to know God and make Him known.  In this 5 week series, we will learn to discover our identity as Worshippers by learning how to love God with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and how to love our neighbors as ourselves.

In today’s sermon, Pastor Tito shares how love God with all of your strength.

Watch a short clip HERE of Pastor Tito flipping his lid and a table!

Read Pastor Tito’s sermon summary HERE


Being forgetful to be thankful

Week 3


Worship is not we do.  It is who we are.  It is what we were born and created to be.  We were made to know God and make Him known.  In this 5 week series, we will learn to discover our identity as Worshippers by learning how to love God with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and how to love our neighbors as ourselves.

In today’s sermon, Pastor Tito shares how love God with your mind by not forgetting Him..

Read Pastor Tito’s sermon summary HERE


God’s Home Is Where Your Heart Is

Week 1 – How to love God with all of your heart

Worship is not we do.  It is who we are.  It is what we were born and created to be.  We were made to know God and make Him known.  In this 5 week series, we will learn to discover our identity as Worshippers by learning how to love God with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and how to love our neighbors as ourselves.

In today’s sermon, Pastor Tito helps us discover WHY we were created, and the answer is found in a WHO.  Read Pastor Tito’s Sermon Summary HERE



Week 4

Israel_facebook cover

The history of Israel teaches us that God wants an intimate relationship with His people.  During this series, we will look at key moments in history that will reveal to us a characteristic of God and what are actions that we either need to apply or avoid.

This week we look at the purpose of worship and how God has revealed the process that leads to His presence.

CLICK HERE to read Pastor Tito’s Sermon Summary