
The End

Week 1

Text: Revelation 12:10-12

Topic: Testimony, Gospel

Main Idea: Evil is defeated in our lives as a result of Jesus’ work on the cross. Our testimony in Him, while it might seem to signal defeat now (because of persecution and sacrificial living), actually entails our victory. We must be quick to share the testimony of God’s grace in our lives, even when it’s not easy.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message?
  2. What are the main elements of a testimony?
  3. Why do you think the blood and the testimony are the two items listed here for victory over Satan?
  4. Have you ever experienced the power of God as a result of hearing/giving a testimony?
  5. Would anyone like to share a testimony of what God has done in your life?
  6. How can we pray for you?   pastortito@tddtampa.org